Picture: the Victoria Falls (Lozi: Mosi-oa-Tunya, "Thundering Smoke"; Tonga: Shungu Namutitima, "Boiling Water") on the Zambezi river along the Zambia-Zimbabwe border
Ongoing events
📢#RE4AFAGRI is pleased to announce ONLINE training courses in water-energy-land nexus 🌊 🌽 ⚡ for equitable development in rural Africa, starting this June 2024! The modules are targeted at both business analysts and policymakers eager to use model-outputs and business analysis tools, and to researchers and scientists seeking to use scientific nexus models. . ℹ Detailed info
Past events
2nd LEAP-RE Stakeholder Forum, Kigali, 10-13 October 2023, https://www.leap-re.eu/2023/10/30/key-highlights-of-the-leap-re-stakeholder-forum-2023-in-kigali/
WRI-IIASA Joint Workshops on tools for planning, scenarios and policy analysis of the water-energy-land nexus for equitable development in rural Africa, WRI Africa, Addis Ababa, 16-20 October 2023, https://iiasa.ac.at/events/oct-2023/re4afagri-iiasa-and-world-resources-institute-wri-joint-workshops
TFE workshops, online, August-September 2023
1st LEAP-RE Stakeholder Forum, Cape Town, October 2022
RE4AFAGRI focus groups (online), 2021-2022